Whitelisting AdBlock

If you're unable to make a donation to UploadMe you can still support us for free by white-listing your Adblock software on our platform. It's simple and takes just a few seconds at a click of a button!

This will also ensure you receive the best browser experience and functionality and allow our browser Push Campaigns to reach you.

We hate adverts just as much as you!

However, advertising helps us run our sites, projects and pay our server bills and crew. By enabling our free Adblock Filter it will allow ads to run on our approved domains - because we hate adverts we promise we will never plaster your screen and ruin your viewing experience with annoying adverts and we will never allow those annoying popups ads.

Using Adblock or Adblock Plus?

You can subscribe to our Adblock filter list simply by clicking here

Using uBlock Origin?

Add "uploadme.me" and "upload2.us" to your whitelist rules. Confused? Follow our guide.

Using Firefox Tracking Protection, Ghostery, Disconnect, Kaspersky or NoScript?

Please see our guide on how to whitelist UploadMe for Firefox Tracking Protection, Ghostery, Disconnect, Kaspersky or NoScript.

Where will this allow ads?

We only whitelist our own domains, owned by us. No third parties here. See our rules and explanations post.

Changelog History

24 November 2021

Updated all filters

Monday, 12 November 2018

Removed unnecessary lines.

Friday, 19 January 2018

Fixed a bug with HTTPS Protocol.

Monday, 2 January 2017

Fixed a glitch which conflicted with our other libraries.

Build 1.0.0 (Version: 0019495654)

Initial release

You can show your appreciation for UploadMe and support future development by donating, We strongly feel that our site and downloads and everything should remain free of charge as our gift to the online community. Of course we appreciate any amount. You can find out more about making a donation via PayPal here.

How much does it cost you, the owners?

We're transparent about our fees an service costs. You can find out more information here.

Modified 2 February 2022.

在任何预览上 点击 自定义上传
在任何预览上 触摸 自定义上传
您也可以 浏览您的计算机.
您也可以 浏览您的计算机拍照
上传 0 文件 (0% 完成)
队列上传中. 顷刻间便能完成.
图片已经添加到 . 您可以将刚刚上传的图片 创建新的 相册.
图片已经添加到 .
您可以将刚刚上传的图片 创建新的 相册. 您必须 注册账户登录 才能将此内容保存到您的帐户中。
没有 文件被上传
    注意:部分文件无法上传。 了解更多
    检查 错误报告 更多信息.
    通知: 我们必须对上传的内容进行严格审核,只有审核通过后的内容才能进行分享。